Çerez Örnek



The Academic Reputation Index is the centerpiece of the QS World University Rankings®, which carries a weight of 40%. It is an approach to international university assessment that QS pioneered in 2004 and is the component that has received the most attention. It seeks an answer to the powerful question of which universities do world-class research. The answer to this question shows not only the quality of the research, but also the power of the university to disseminate this research to the world.

Survey results are based on responses to a survey distributed to academics around the world. Academics participating in the survey are provided by contact lists sent from institutions and IBIS database.


The survey is sent to thousands of academics each year. It has followed largely the same principles since its inception, with some differences depending on the academic themes of interest over time. At the beginning of the survey, academics indicate their area of expertise and regional familiarity. Responses to this then guide the range of responses they can give in the remainder of the questionnaire. All participants are asked about their name, the institution they have worked for, their profession, the number of years they have been in the academy and their area of expertise.

They are then asked about the country/region they are most familiar with from an academic point of view. With this question, it is aimed to determine the list of institutions that can nominate candidates in the country or abroad. Regional information responses are grouped into three supersets that define the list of institutions the respondent can choose from; these are the Americas, APAC (Asia, Australia and New Zealand) and EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa). After that, they are asked to choose a maximum of 2 fields in which they are the most active and expert.

Next, academics are asked to nominate up to 10 institutions from their home country that they think produce the best research in their faculty areas. (Own institutions are excluded.)

In addition, scholars are asked to nominate up to 30 institutions from countries they consider to produce the best research in their faculty areas. (Excluding their own institutions.) The list consists only of institutions in the regions they stated to be familiar with at the beginning of the survey.



You can click on the link below to sign up for the QS survey




Ege Üniversitesi